Here is a storyboard set for an idea I was developing. It is a story about a hapless minor league baseball team with worst record in the history of baseball. The entire history of baseball. The manager of the team, Coach, has endured the dubious honor of being named Sportsman of the Year in the face of longest single season losing streak. He has had enough. To turn the team's fortunes, he recruits the most unlikely rookie. REGGIE.
(R.E.G.I.) stands for Rapid Elite Ground Interceptor. Initially designed for urban ground combat, REGGIE's lackluster career in the military came to screeching halt when funding for his program was pulled and he was unceromoniously decomissioned and sent to the scrap yard. He seems to have found a second chance in his new career as pitcher for Okeekfenokee Mudhawks minor league baseball team. We can only hope that some of us can also find a second chance at redemption.
Here is a short sequence showing REGGIE's opening day.

The crowd's mocking reaction to REGGIE's small stature is quickly overturned as the rookie pitcher resorts to some unconventional tactics that he devloped in his former career. You will have to fill in the blanks from here. I can't seem to find the rest of the boards anywhere. Rest assured that the crowd's expectations are tuned upsidedown as REGGIE helps to restore some much needed repsect to the Okeefenokee Mudhawks.
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