Friday, September 28, 2007


This is my little bit for the DrawerGeeks' topic of Cleopatra. As seems to be habit, I've waited till the night before to scrawl out my effort. I would love to devlope this concept a bit further. However, I am swamped with activites, duties and errands and I am certain that this will forever remain just a penciled sketch. In fact, I still haven't completed the color comp for the Into the Blue post. Alas, if I had more time...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Into the Hue

I decided to bring the character sketch a little further along to try and tell a story. I have begun laying down my colors and the linework. I'm not really sure where this might go, but I will have some fun getting there. This is usually the phase where I slash around in search of my color pallette and the style in which I will illustrate the sketch. I want to try a slghtly different approach than what I've been doing lately; so I am going to keep things as loose as I can.

In case your wondering, those floating swatches of paint are my colors for the flight suit.

Into the Blue

Here's a fellow after my own heart. He's all packed and ready to take off on the next available adventure. we go into the wild blue yonder!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Little Girl

Here is a drawing of a little girl with a brush pen. One of the most gratifying and frustrating tools in the art arsenal, the Sakura long tipped brush pen can yield some very happy accidents.

Here is a doodle of a guy playing a very short version of a Digerie-Doo. In actuality, I just ran out of space on the paper...but I still like the drawing.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Something from work

All hail football season! I think that this guy cannot wait to play a pick up game in the park with the rest of the nuts.

Just a little something from what I am working on at work!

Friday, September 14, 2007

It's been a Long time

I have been extremely bad about posting to the blog. A glance up a the date marker shows that it has been more than two months since my last post! Poor Jeremy has gotten soooo bored of looking at the Bounty Hunter Rabbit that I feel compelled to put something...anything up to relieve the eye strain. So I will post every night for the next seven days.

For now, here is my submission for Drawer Geeks this week. As an added bonus, I also give you the two little sparks which helped me to draw this evening.